Jasmine Estates Florida Driver Improvement Programs | Basic, Intermediate, Advance & Senior Citizen Insurance Discount Traffic School

Jasmine Estates, Florida 12 Hour ADI Aggressive Drivers Online Web Course

12 Hour Jasmine Estates Florida Advanced Driver Improvement Classes

Florida 12 Hour Traffic School ADI Courses for Drivers Who Have a Revoked – Suspended Drivers License.

Jasmine Estates Court Ordered or Applying for a Hardship DL Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) class for HTO/DUI/DUBAL

Florida Drivers License Suspension/ Reinstatement

The difference between this course and others online is when you finish this 12-Hour Florida ADI Aggressive Driver course, you won’t be kept waiting. Certificate reporting will happen now, automatically and electronically to Florida!

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Jasmine Estates, Florida 12 Hour, HTO, Jasmine Estates Habitual Driving, Habitual Offender, Habitual Traffic, ADI-HTO, Florida 12 Hour, 12 Hour, 12 Hours, 8 Hr, Florida HTO, Florida ADI Aggressive Driver-HTO, Florida Driver Improvement, Florida, 12 Hour, ADI-ADV, HTO Advanced Driver Improvement, Driver Improvement, ADI-ADV Course, Course, Class, Eight Hour

Jasmine Estates, Florida ADI Aggressive Driver– This course is designed for drivers in Florida who have revoked, suspended drivers license or a 12 hour court-ordered ADI course, and is often known by other names:

  • 12-Hour Advanced Driver Improvement Course

  • 12-Hour ADI DL Suspension | Revocation Course

  • 12-Hour ADI (Advanced) Court-Ordered Course

  • 12-Hour Driving School Course

  • 12-Hour Traffic School Course


Jasmine Estates Florida 12 Hour Advanced Driver Improvement Court Ordered ADI course is the only way to reinstate a suspension received from a Florida court or the DHSMV in many cases. Each course is for the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles FLHSMV and approved by all Florida courts in all 67 Florida Counties.

How the Florida Traffic School 12 Hour Advanced Driver Improvement Course Works

Florida Advanced Driver Improvement ADI for HTO, DUI, DUBAL, also known as Traffic School or Defensive Driving, is a 12 Hour course which motorists can take when your driver’s license (DL) becomes suspended or revoked, when asked by the courts, or to get an insurance discount (from the insurance company). The course is taken in several short modules online and covers topics such as:

HTO ( Habitual Traffic Offender), DUI, and Florida Traffic Laws

Defensive Driving Strategies

Driving under the Influence (DUI)

Adverse Driving Conditions and more

Upon completion of the traffic school course, you will receive an official Florida traffic school certificate of completion. At the same time, the completion goes to the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. If your citation was the result of a moving violation, this completion will remove any points associated with the ticket, prevent insurance premium increases and possibly cut the fine cost of the ticket.

Convenient on-line reporting lets traffic schools automatically report course completions to DHSMV so the Driver License offices can view students who pass Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education (TLSAE), 12 Hour Advanced Driver Improvement (DUI-DUBAL-ADI HTO), and the Advanced Driver Improvement (ADI) certificate.

Reasons for Attending Advanced Driver Improvement

You must complete an advanced driver improvement course (Traffic Collision Avoidance Course) if you want to keep your driver license in the following circumstance:

Florida Drivers License Suspension, Revocation and/or Court Ordered.

You Should Inform the Florida Clerk of Court in the county where you received the citation that you want to go to the 12 hour advanced traffic school, and

Pay an election fee to the Florida, Florida Clerk of Court in the county where you received the citation.

Jasmine Estates, Florida 12 Hr Advanced Driver Improvement ADI Program

Florida HTO Habitual Traffic Offender Suspension Course

Florida ADI Aggressive Driver Classes

Florida Traffic Violations List

Violations which


Driver improvement schools or DUI programs; asked in certain suspension and revocation cases.

Except as provided in s. 322.03(2), any person:


Whose driving privilege has been revoked:


Upon conviction for:


Driving, or being in actual physical control of, any vehicle while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, any chemical substance set forth in s. 877.111, or any substance controlled under chapter 893, in violation of s. 316.193;


Driving with an unlawful blood- or breath-alcohol level;


Manslaughter resulting from violation of driving a motor vehicle;


Failure to stop and give aid as asked under the laws of this state in the event of a motor vehicle crash resulting in the death or personal injury of another;


Reckless driving; or


As a habitual offender;


Upon direction of the court, if the court feels that the seriousness of the offense and the circumstances surrounding the conviction warrant the revocation of the licensee’s driving privilege; or


Whose license was suspended under the point system, was suspended for driving with an unlawful blood-alcohol level of 0.10 percent or higher before January 1, 1994, was suspended for driving with an unlawful blood-alcohol level of 0.08 percent or higher after December 31, 1993, was suspended for a violation of s. 316.193(1), or was suspended for refusing to submit to a lawful breath, blood, or urine test as provided in s. 322.2615

shall, before the driving privilege may be reinstated, present to the department proof of enrollment in a department-approved ADI advanced driver improvement course operating pursuant to s. 318.1451


How do I reinstate my license after a revocation as a Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO)?

Driver license will be revoked for 5 years. After 1 year from the effective date of revocation, you may request a hardship license. You will be asked to present enrollment or completion of

Advanced Driver Improvement School (ADI) and pay the $75.00 revocation reinstatement fee along with any other applicable fees and a license will be issued restricting your driving to Employment or Business purposes only.

This HTO DUI DUBAL ADI Online Course is Approved for ALL 67 Florida Counties.

DUBAL- Driving with Unlawful Blood Alcohol Level