Anderson County – Clinton
Tennessee Senior Defensive Driving and Refresher Course
Computer Safe Driver Class for Age 55+ “55 Alive” Class
Tennessee *DSHS Approved Program
Mature-Senior Citizen Auto Insurance Discount
In most cases, your insurer will have to honor this discount continuously for at least 2 – 3 years, so the total savings could run around $345 before you take the course again to get another discount.
A multi car annual premium for some folks may be $2400 per year and that would translate to a savings of $720 over the same period, so at an average online course cost of $20, the savings can be enormous.
At $19.99, this Tennessee defensive driving course will cost you much less than most other Tennessee based classes.
Sign up now and finish later at your convenience! An “I Drive Safely, L.L.C.” Authorized Tennessee Course.
Tennessee “55 Alive
” driver improvement course is an online defensive driving insurance course discounts in the state of Tennessee. Many states have adopted the mature driver insurance discount defensive driving course for ages 55 and up. Some car insurance discounts are for drivers age 55 and over.
Age 55 Tennessee Mature Senior Driver Improvement Class
Tennessee Senior Drivers over the age of 55 can qualify for the citizen driver or the Senior driver improvement course by taking the online Defensive Driving course specific to Senior drivers at or over 55 years of age. See your insurance agent/agency or insurance policy for details.
The Mature Driver Improvement Accident and Crash Prevention Course provides instruction on defensive driving and Age 55 motor vehicle laws. During this course you will learn updates on rules of the road, the effects that medication, fatigue, alcohol, visual or auditory limitations have on a person’s driving ability.
Money Saving Benefits for Age 55 and Over Tennessee Drivers
Mature drivers 55 or older who takes an approved Mature Driver Improvement Course can qualify for reduced motor vehicle insurance premiums. Age 55 law allows insurance companies to decide the percentage of premium reduction. The insurance carrier can refuse to give a reduced rate to those who have poor driving records. You may wish to ask your insurance company about your eligibility and the amount of discount after taking an approved mature Driver Improvement Course.
These discounts can add up to big savings, especially due the multiple years for which they’re in effect from taking just one course. For an example, a sample driver we used would have an average premium of $1,152 a year in Minnesota, meaning he or she would realize at least a $115 drop in their insurance bill with the discount. In most cases, your insurer will have to honor this discount continuously for at least 2 – 3 years, so the total savings could run around $345 before you take the course again to get another discount.
A multi car annual premium for some folks may be $2400 per year and that would translate to a savings of $720 over the same period, so at an average online course cost of $20, the savings can be enormous.
Age 55 Drivers Under Age 55
Most insurance policies offer a discount for all drivers regardless of age after taking a defensive driving course. There is a difference in the course for under the age of 55. For the oldest of drivers, it’s been so long since many of these operators have learned the state traffic laws, the changes in the laws over the years is more significant and more detail in those changes.