Delaware Aggressive Driving School
Delaware Aggressive High Risk Drivers Course
for *3 or more traffic citations (tickets)
Defensive Driving Aggressive Driver PLUS Get the Auto/Car Insurance Discount

State of Delaware Approved Behavioral Modification Attitudinal Driving Courses
*Three tickets (police citations) for and combination of these traffic offense: Disregard of a traffic control device, failure to stop at the command of a police officer, following too closely, passing on a shoulder, and speeding.
NOTE: Approved by the Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
For further information regarding Aggressive Driving, please contact the Delaware Driver’s License Suspension Section at Phone: 302.744.2509.
Our Delaware aggressive driving school course is the best way to save time and money. Take the course in your home or at the office and on any schedule you prefer at your convenience. That gives you the opportunity to make the course work for you, no matter how busy you are. Plus, you are allowed unlimited retakes of the final exam. If you don’t get a passing score the first time? Just try it again until you do. Easy!
- Convenient online course
- Money-back guarantee
- You are guaranteed to pass
Aggressive Defensive Driving School and Insurance Discount Course All in One.
Delaware Aggressive Defensive Driving DMV Approved Classes – The purpose of the Delaware aggressive driving law is to identify aggressive drivers and change their higher-risk driving habits by creating a requirement of their attendance in an aggressive driver training program. The course is focused on crash prevention and improving the principals of driving habits.
Delaware aggressive driving is defined in the terms of Title 21 offenses such as failure to yield right of way, unsafe lane change, disregarding a traffic control device, failure to stop at the direction of a police officer, following too closely, passing on a shoulder, and speeding. Individuals convicted of three (3) or more of these offenses (Tickets/Citations) as a result of continuous conduct are guilty of aggressive driving and are subject to increased penalties. Offenders are asked to complete an aggressive defensive driving course which includes behavioral modification/attitudinal driving within 90 days after the conviction for aggressive driving. Failure to attend the course may result in suspension of the individuals driving privilege.
For further information regarding Aggressive Driving, please contact the Suspension Section at this phone number- 302-744-2509.
Approved Behavioral Modification Attitudinal Driving Courses
The course is a minimum of 8 hours long and is approved in all three counties.
You Also Get a Certificate for Safe Drivers Auto/Car Insurance Discounts. Defensive Driving, Driver Improvement Program for Auto Insurance Discounts.
The course also provides a certificate of completion which allows you to fax or mail to your car insurance company for a discount of up to 10% off your existing premiums in many cases. Email this page to a friend or ask your spouse to take this Aggressive Driving course online for a car insurance discount or an extra car/auto insurance policy discount.
Delaware Aggressive Driving High Risk Driver Class Online Defensive Driving, Driver Improvement, Traffic School Class
Delaware State DMV Approved Court Ordered or Voluntary Program

State of Delaware Approved Behavioral Modification Attitudinal Driving Courses
*Three tickets (police citations) for and combination of these traffic offense: Disregard of a traffic control device, failure to stop at the command of a police officer, following too closely, passing on a shoulder, and speeding.
NOTE: Approved by the Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
For further information regarding Aggressive Driving, please contact the Delaware Driver’s License Suspension Section at Phone: 302.744.2509.
Our Delaware aggressive driving school course is the best way to save time and money. Take the course in your home or at the office and on any schedule you prefer at your convenience. That gives you the opportunity to make the course work for you, no matter how busy you are. Plus, you are allowed unlimited retakes of the final exam. If you don’t get a passing score the first time? Just try it again until you do. Easy!
- Convenient online course
- Money-back guarantee
- You are guaranteed to pass
Aggressive Defensive Driving School and Insurance Discount Course All in One.
Delaware Aggressive Defensive Driving DMV Approved Classes – The purpose of the Delaware aggressive driving law is to identify aggressive drivers and change their higher-risk driving habits by creating a requirement of their attendance in an aggressive driver training program. The course is focused on crash prevention and improving the principals of driving habits.
Delaware aggressive driving is defined in the terms of Title 21 offenses such as failure to yield right of way, unsafe lane change, disregarding a traffic control device, failure to stop at the direction of a police officer, following too closely, passing on a shoulder, and speeding. Individuals convicted of three (3) or more of these offenses (Tickets/Citations) as a result of continuous conduct are guilty of aggressive driving and are subject to increased penalties. Offenders are asked to complete an aggressive defensive driving course which includes behavioral modification/attitudinal driving within 90 days after the conviction for aggressive driving. Failure to attend the course may result in suspension of the individuals driving privilege.
For further information regarding Aggressive Driving, please contact the Suspension Section at this phone number- 302-744-2509.
Approved Behavioral Modification Attitudinal Driving Courses
The course is a minimum of 8 hours long and is approved in all three counties.
You Also Get a Certificate for Safe Drivers Auto/Car Insurance Discounts. Defensive Driving, Driver Improvement Program for Auto Insurance Discounts.
The course also provides a certificate of completion which allows you to fax or mail to your car insurance company for a discount of up to 10% off your existing premiums in many cases. Email this page to a friend or ask your spouse to take this Aggressive Driving course online for a car insurance discount or an extra car/auto insurance policy discount.
Delaware Aggressive Driving High Risk Driver Class Online Defensive Driving, Driver Improvement, Traffic School Class
Delaware State DMV Approved Court Ordered or Voluntary Program
*Delaware Court Approved for (3) Three or More Tickets/Citations Involving:
Aggressive driving is defined in terms of existing Title 21 offenses such as failure to yield, unsafe lane change, disregard of a traffic control device, failure to stop at the command of a police officer, following too closely, passing on a shoulder, and speeding. Individuals convicted of 3 or more of these offenses as a result of continuous conduct are guilty of aggressive driving and are subject to increased penalties.