Fort Worth, Tx. Defensive Driving Classes
Texas Drivers Safety Classes
Texas Traffic Court Tickets
Speeding and Traffic Violations | Defensive Driving Course | Senior Insurance Discount Course | 55 Alive | Mature Driver | Driver Improvement | Traffic School
Fort Worth Municipal Court Traffic Offenses: Speeding Ticket Fines and Cost
Fort Worth, Texas Drivers Safety and Defensive Driving Course. If you receive a traffic ticket in Fort Worth, Texas you can get the ticket dismissed.
In Texas, defendants have the right to have a speeding or moving violation ticket dismissed. You may contest the ticket, pay the ticket, or choose to take a Defensive Driving course, also known as a Texas Defensive Driving Class.

After court approval, simply click the button for Defensive Driving Course above, sign up and take the course a little at the time or all at once, your choice. You can sign up and come back to it in your leisure time and work on it as you have time. Most of this course you already know, this course serves as a “refresher” to the knowledge you have gained through both your original licensing and through your driving experience.
Cost of City of Fort Worth,Texas Ticket Fines
Statewide in Texas, the Fines and costs associated with a speeding or moving traffic violation costs more than taking a simple Defensive Driving Course. Then there’s a strong possibility your car insurance rates will increase. Your Texas Drivers License will be accessed “points” though the state of Texas.
Texas DDC (Defensive Driving or Defensive Driving Online Defensive Driving, Driver Improvement, Traffic School Class)
Fort Worth, Tx. Defensive Driving Classes
When: Anytime 24 hours a day and 7 days per week.
Where: Online Defensive Driving, Driver Improvement, Traffic School Class
Online Defensive Driving, Driver Improvement, Traffic School Class Texas Defensive Driving Course
state of Texas TDLR Approved
Fort Worth, TX. Local Defensive Driving, Driver Improvement, and Traffic School 101
Fort Worth, Tx. Defensive Driving Classes
List of Fort Worth Municipal Court Moving Violations:
Backed Without Safety
Crossing Fire Hose
Crossing Physical Barrier
Cut Across Driveway
Cut Across Parkway
Cut After Passing
Disregard Barricades
Disregard No Passing Zone
Disregard Traffic Control Device
Disregard Turn Mark
Drove in Center Lane
Drove on Sidewalk
Drove to Left W/In 100′ Bridge
Drove to Left W/In 100′ Intersection
Drove W/Out Lights When Required
Drove Wrong Side of Road-Not Passing
Drove Wrong Side of Road-Divided Highway
Drove Wrong Way-One Way Road-U Turn
Fail to Comply-Strike Fixed Object
Fail to Control Speed
Fail to Dim Headlights
Fail to Drive in Single Lane
Fail to Give One-Half Roadway
Fail to Obey Traffic Control Device
Fail to Pass Left Safely
Fail to Signal Lane Change
Fail to Signal Stop
Fail to Signal Turn
Fail to Stop Approaching Train
Fail to Stop at Marked RR Crossing
Fail to Stop-Proper Point for Stop
Fail to Use Due Care Pedestrian
Follow Ambulance Too Close
Follow Too Close
Following Fire Apparatus
Failed to Yield-Turn Left
Failed to Yield-Green Signal
Failed to Yield-While Coming out of a Private Drive
Failed to Yield-Right Turn-Red Light
Failed to Yield at Stop Intersection
Failed to Yield- T Intersection
Failed to Yield-Open Intersection
Failed to Yield-Yield Intersection
Impeding Traffic-Too Slow
Improper Turn/Improper Approach
Improper Turn/Improper Exit
Obscure/Interfere W/Traffic Control Device
Operate MV W/Child in Open Bed
Operator MV Under 18 YOA-Cell Phone Use
Pass in Turn Lane
Pass to Left Unsafely
Pass to Right Unsafely
Passed at Intersection
Passed in No passing Zone-Center
Passed on Right
Passed on Shoulder
Passed to Left/No Passing Zone
Passing Authorized Emergency Vehicle
Pedestrian Disregarded Control Signal
Pedestrian Failed to YROW to Vehicle
Permit Child Under 18 to Ride in Trk/Trl
Ran Red Light
Ran Stop Sign
Speeding in School Zone
Turned Left from Wrong Lane
Turned Right from Wrong Lane
Turned Right too Wide
Turned When Unsafe
Unsafe Lane Change
Unsafe Speed
Unsafe Start from Park/Stop/Stand
Unsafe Turn into Private Drive