Georgia Driving School Online

Limited Time Offer! 20% or more off Drivers Ed with 1 FREE month of Allstate® Roadside Services (optional)

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Georgia Teen Drivers Ed

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Georgia Defensive Driving

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Georgia Adult Drivers Ed

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georgia rsea seal

Georgia Driving School Online

America's #1 Driving School

  • The industry leader in online drivers education & driver training
  • DDS-approved courses tailored to fit your schedule
  • Over 25 years of driver training experience
  • We've served more than 3 million drivers!

Driver's Education Your Way in Georgia

Georgia's driving education laws are in place to keep you safe, but depending on your schedule they may seem more trouble than it's worth. But studies have shown that driver's education reduces crashes by more than 4% and convictions by nearly 40%. The facts don't lie–drivers education can help keep you and your passengers safe. has taught more than 11 million students how to be better drivers. Whether you’re looking to sign yourself up, enroll your teen, or purchase behind-the-wheel lessons with one of our Georgia driving schools, we've got the training that meets your needs. Our Georgia online driving school combines expertly-crafted lessons and interactive 3-D animations to deliver an unparalleled learning experience.

Smiling Driver

More than Just the Rules of the Road

Distracted driving has increased across the country, leading to more than 431,000 people injured last year alone. According to a report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 94% of collisions are caused by driver error. It's important to us that our students in our Georgia driving school learn more than merely what the road signs mean. The key to safe driving is understanding the rules of the road, and the consequences for not following them. With unlimited access to course material, educational content, and even games, you'll know more about being safe on the road than you would with any other Georgia driving school.

Laptop hands

Knowledgeable. Professional. Patient.

We were one of the first companies to put drivers training online, so it was no surprise to us when a recent study at MIT showed that students in online classes learn as much, and sometimes even more, than those set in a traditional classroom. And unlike online-only driving schools, our Georgia driving school also offer in-car driving lessons with patient and professional instructors. With 25 years of instructional driving experience, we offer the most up-to-date safe driving skills, defensive driving training, and we're DDS-licensed in the state of Georgia.

Hands steering

Driver's Training That Saves More Than Lives

Best of all, DriversEd Georgia saves you money while teaching you to drive safely. For instance, you can start most of our Georgia driving school classes for free, giving you the confidence that our economical online courses meet your learning style and will help Georgia drivers. Our classes also come with a money-back guarantee, as well as the ability to take unlimited practice tests, ensuring your success when you take your exam. Lastly, a class could earn up to a 20% discount on your auto insurance, putting money back into your own wallet.

So, Why Us?

Experience Icon

Over 25 years of experience

Driving License Icon

Over 3 million drivers trained

Accredited School Icon

Accredited by the Driving School Association of the Americas (DSAA)

Approved Courses Icon is the #1 driving school in the US with 100+ state-approved courses across the nation

Any Device Icon

All-in-one source: online course, in-car driving lessons, traffic school programs, and more

Safe Driving Icon

Training for teens and adults of all skill levels

Hear From Our Customers

TP Rating
5 Stars

“Very informative, practical and simple to understand training.”


5 Stars

“Absolutely amazing, super easy, and super fun. 100% recommend.”


5 Stars

“I like how they sectioned the course!! Very helpful!!”


5 Stars

“I really like this drivers ed course... I would recommend to everyone. The cost of it is very well worth it!”


Never Find Yourself Stranded Without Affordable Help Again

Every year, over 69 million American families face a vehicle breakdown, which often leads to unexpected and expensive repair charges. With Allstate's Roadside Assistance, you can navigate the roads with peace of mind.'s Exclusive Offer Includes:
  • Flat Tire Service
  • Battery Service
  • Towing
  • Fuel Delivery
  • Lockout Service
  • Full Family Coverage
Choose a Course Georgia
undefined has helped over 6,000 drivers get safely back on the road this year.