Prince Edward County, Virginia Driver Improvement Clinic/School
Virginia DMV & General District Court Approved Class
Prince Edward County Virginia Defensive Driving Online Course

- Virginia General District Court and Virginia DMV approved
- Earn a 5 point safe driver credit on your driving record and DL history
- Keep your auto/car insurance premium from increasing and take an insurance discount
- Money-back guarantee – No questions asked
- 100% online course – save time and money and complete it in your spare time
- Update your Virginia traffic law knowledge
- Learn the dangers of driving while intoxicated and under the influence of alcohol
- Driving tips to help you prevent accidents and traffic violation tickets
- Defensive driving tips and driver alertness
Virginia Highway Safety Laws-
Prince Edward County Virginia traffic courts and the general district courts approved, A court may refer a traffic violator defendant to take defensive driving or driver improvement in lieu of a fine. Traffic citations or traffic tickets as many refer to it, are commonly dismissed altogether after one complete an approved driver improvement program, either as an online course or in the classroom class. Taking the driver improvement online offers many more benefits than an 8 hour classroom clinic. The ability to take the course at your own pace in your spare time. Most of the course is simply watching short animated cartoon like lessons and listening to or reading texts. The classroom clinic version is normally all day long and quite boring to many.
Court referred driver improvement completion can dismiss traffic tickets issued by city police officers, Virginia troopers, county sheriffs and all other peace officers. Virginia traffic laws, commonly referred to as Code of Virginia Title 46.2. Motor Vehicles, provides laws pertaining to the regulation of traffic on roads, streets and the primary and secondary highways. A Driver Improvement course can improve your knowledge of the most important laws which contribute to accidents.
Contact Information
- All District Courts
- Individual General District Court Homepages
- Map of Virginia’s Judicial Circuits and Districts
Prince Edward County Speeding and Aggressive Driving
Virginia Drivers: Speeding is serious because it:
- Speeding reduces a driver’s ability to steer safely around curves or objects and encourages following too closely.
- Speeding lengthens the stopping distance, which is especially dangerous when sudden braking is required.
- Speeding increases the risk of wrecks and injuries because other cars, bicyclists and pedestrians may not be able to correctly judge the vehicle’s distance from them.
- Speeding increases fuel consumption and costs.
As speed gets higher, the risk of death, disfigurement and serious injury during crashes increases, while at the same time, the effectiveness of air bags, seat belts and other safety devices decreases.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, (NHTSA), an accident on a road with a speed limit of 65 mph or greater is:
- Speeding 65 or faster is more than twice as likely to result in death than a crash on a road with a speed limit of 45 or 50 mph
- At 65 mph or more is nearly five times as likely to result in death than a crash on a road with a speed limit of 40 mph or below
Drivers should always obey the posted speed limit. Don’t get caught by law enforcement wrongly assuming there’s a “buffer zone” surrounding the posted speed limit. Speed limits are related to road conditions, and are enforced to save lives and protect motorists. Keep a safe stopping distance behind the traffic.
Do not be an Aggressive Driver
While your life may be in the fast lane, always plan ahead when driving and allow yourself extra time for unexpected delays. You can avoid accidents and traffic tickets.
- Pay attention, relax and drive the posted speed limit.
- Use your car’s signals to indicate a turn or lane change.
- Provide safe distance when changing lanes after passing another vehicle.
- Do not block the passing lane or tailgate other drivers.
- Pay attention to traffic and weather reports for potential delays. It’s safer to leave earlier and take your time.
- Have at least one alternate route in mind. While it may be a little longer in distance, this route could be less congested than the main route.
- If all else fails, just be late. Better to be late and alive.