Texas Traffic Moving Violations – Take defensive driving (Driving Safety) instead of probation. Opting for deferred adjudication or agreeing to defer traffic ticket fines by taking probation will cost a great deal more than simply taking the defensive driving. The fees involved in accepting the deferral terms are higher than the fees associated with defensive driving. Many Municipal Courts and County Precinct JP Courts may offer deferred right up front, without explaining the difference between defensive driving and deferred ticket fines. First of all, the fees for taking a one year probate sentence or fine for a speeding costs almost twice that of defensive driving fees that the court charges. The city and court get to keep the fees, since much of the defensive driving fees are paid to the state and the city keeps less of the fee proceeds. That’s all fine and well for the local civic-minded traffic ticket recipient, except that it cost that traffic ticket violation ticket holder MUCH more. It’s certainly pays to take defensive driving up front. THEN you can also get your insurance premiums lowered for taking a defensive driving course!
You Also Get a Certificate for Safe Drivers Auto Insurance Discounts. You AND your spouse can take this course for other car/auto insurance discounts.
The course also provides a certificate of
completion which allows you to fax or mail to your car insurance company
for a discount of up to 10% off your existing premiums in many cases. Email this page to a friend or ask your spouse to take this defensive driving course online for a car insurance discount or another car/auto insurance policy discount.
Approved in ALL 254 Texas Counties and JP Courts
Texas County J.P. Court DPS, Sheriff, Constable, Police Tickets Defensive Driving Classes – For Speeding Citation Cost, Fees, Fines or Apply for Defensive Driving Course Contact the Court.
Driving Safety Class for Speeding Tickets – Justice of the Peace Countywide Clay P O Box 71
Henrietta, 76365-0071
ccjp@claycountytx.com Texas Location, Address, Phone (940)538-6531